Tuesday, January 20, 2015

David Carson

One really unique thing that was discussed in Carson's video was the fact that design is so much more than colors or type placed on a document. Instead, intuition and emotion are key components that lead people to interpret design and to create designs that have meaning and impact. It is the history a person has, their experiences, likes and dislikes that draws them to create, and pulls an individual into a design.

I found his take on legibility vs communication very interesting. I guess it never really occurred to me that everything that is written is not always communicated. It's interpretation can be taken in many different ways by many different people. I guess I have always known that, but the way he put it presented an "aha!" moment.

I was once told by a teacher that critiquing a design is simple another form of critiquing yourself. You are pointing out what you like, what you dislike, what works for your needs/wants and what you will accept because of them. This is why emotions and previous experiences are important, for ignorance can play a role in your interpretation of anything, even design.

1 comment:

  1. good...you know carson! "design is not as dangerous as being a test pilot...."
