Friday, January 23, 2015

"It's the breaks that allow my mind to refresh"

I absolutely love reasearching graphic designers, simply because of the diversity there is. The way someone problem solves, the way they approach a project and even how they live their life, is always different than others. It keeps reminding me that even the Greats are human and they have history, families of their own.

I wanted to post this video of Steve Frykholm. There is very little in it about his work at Herman Miller, but rather, what he does on the side. How he likes to spend his time, and what is important to him. Posted as the title of this is a quote from him that I very much like. It is extremely true for me that I need those little breaks during the day in order to get the chance to look at life through a "normal" lens. I love design, do not get me wrong. But at times all I want is to look at a world without design in it.

Perspective. Life has thousands of perspectives. Design does too. And if you keep yourself focused on the computer screen, and never take time to view the colors and life around you, than your perspective will never change, it will never learn to change. I love design, but I love other things too that make me who I am, and therefore, influence my design (Just as Carson had mentioned). Volleyball, food, outdoors, my friends, family: are things I love that have impacted my life. I hope that never changes.

So thank you Steve Frykholm for making this video, and thank you Mr. Kidwell for having me look him up, for it has been a nice moment to reflect on my life and what makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. you are he is so right about the need to step away for a moment and (re)gain perspective :-)
