Thursday, January 22, 2015

Type 2, 1.22

Typography plays a lead role in the world of design. Fonts allow us to express emotions and give direction while having a constant.

For our first project, we are to design the exterior of a Rice Krispies cereal box using only type. This is much more challenging than I expected it would be, and I realized during our class today that I needed to break free from the computer. I needed to experiment. That being said, I went back to my apartment and grabbed sponges, india ink, charcoal, printer paper and pens to begin crafting.

The pictures below are no where near final products, nor are they all going to be explored to their full potential. But for the mean time, I wanted to show others how I am approaching this project off the computer. Please stay tuned for updates! Thanks for read'n!

A combination of paper cutouts and india ink by sponge. 

Folded, tilted papter

Computer driven, illustrator

The use of paint and cut out.


  1. awesome/good experimentation. alternative hierarchy = yes! your work/compositions should rely solely on in the first one, image using type INSTEAD of the ink. can it be done? yes! remember—type only. good. go.

  2. awesome/good experimentation. alternative hierarchy = yes! your work/compositions should rely solely on in the first one, image using type INSTEAD of the ink. can it be done? yes! remember—type only. good. go.
