Monday, February 9, 2015

T 2, 2.10

Experimentation with Photography

After refining my designs from our last class critique and a bit of last minute experimenting, I tried to push my designs further to express the attributes I wanted them to have. Below I have posted my boxes in different photographic environments tailing to those attributes. Each image has a brief description regarding the context and significance behind it. 

A few quick notes:My final designs were not completed until tonight, therefore a few of the images shown have my old mock-up boxes. Also, with the photographs including cereal, I used Cheerios in place of Rice Krispies for I did not have any in stock. But, for the real images, I will make sure to have the appropriate cereal. These were to act more as test images, not final images. 

(Left to right) Comfort, confidence, informative

With this image I use a patterned background that was soft and comforting to highlight this boxes attribute.

Front and back of proposed box: Comfort 

An attempt to create an "in context" image. Did not work out as thought.


Confidence, being shown on a red background to complement the red type. The red almost takes away from the box, giving it less confidence. 

Confidence, shown to scale

Confidence, front and back

Confidence, close up

Comfort in context

Confidence in context

Left over attempts:

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